ISO26000 questionnaire

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version french spanish

Répondez le plus spontanément possible.
Dès la réponse à la dernière question vous découvrirez le profil RSE de votre organisation
sur les 7 questions centrales de la norme ISO26000.

The organisation evaluated:
A company
A local authority
An association, NGO
A union, a federation
An administration, an educational establishment
Other :

The workforce of the organisation evaluated counts:
Less than 10 people
10 to 50 people
50 to 250 people
250 to 500 people
500 to 5.000 people
5.000 to 10.000 people
More than 10.000 people

Your level of responsibility in this organisation :
You manage it, you elaborate its strategy
You lead a team, you help to implement the strategy
You execute

Your gender :

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This first chapter is about governance, just give your opinion on the different statements.

1. Governance

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
The managers of the organisation have defined values which are coherent with the principles of sustainable development.

A strategic approach has been defined, translated into an action plan and objectives.

The strategy has been communicated, collaborators of the organisation are involved in its deployment.

The indicator (environment, social, economic...) are regularly followed to pilot the activities of the organisation.

A continuous approach for improvement is in place (action plans, direction review, bench marking...)

The organisation has identified the different stakeholders. Their expectations are taken into account in the decision making process of the organisation.

The organisation reports the actions and decisions in a transparent manner to all stakeholders.

The organisation pays attention to respecting territorial regulations as well as international reference texts.

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Human Rights concern all organizations.
However, you may have to choose "not applicable" for certain questions.

2. Human rights

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
The organisation has identified the risks of non-respect of human rights, in is value chain (suppliers, clients colleagues, etc.) and the territories where it intervenes.

The organisation has prepared itself to prevent and manage risky situations it could encounter regarding human rights.

The organisation identifies different types of complicity (active and passive) concerning the stake holders. It is organised to prevent them.

In the case of a human rights violation, the organisation engages in dialogue with the stakeholders to remedy the situation.

The organisation prevents discrimination, especially with regard to vulnerable groups, in its relations with its collaborators and all its partners (users, clients, suppliers, etc.).

The organisation respects civil rights and political rights (private life, property rights, justice, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.

The organisation respects economical rights, social and cultural (education, work, freedom of association, religion, level of life, social protection...).

The organisation respects fundamental rights at work (right to negotiate collective, elimination of child labour, forced or obligator work...)

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3. Relations and work conditions

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
Employer / employee relations are balanced, based on the respect of rights and obligations of each party. They aim to limit precarious situations.

The organisation ensures fair and appropriate work conditions. It guarantees a decent social protection (social security retirement,...)

The organisation privileges and maintains a social dialogue with its collaborators and all people concerned by its activities.

The organisation takes all necessary measures to guarantee the health and security of the people (elements of individual and collective protection, work ergonomics, psychosocial risks...).

The organisation develops its human capital, i.e. ensures the development of competences and employability of every person.

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4. Environment

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
The organisation has identified the different types of pollution caused by its activities, its products and services. It takes the necessary measures to prevent and reduce them.

The organisation has identified the different resources consumed by its activities, products and services (water, raw materials, energy...). It implements actions aiming to reduce and optimise this consumption.

The organisation has identified the impacts of its activities on climatic changes. It takes measures to prevent them.

The organisation preserves, even develops, biodiversity (animal and vegetal species in their natural environment, genetic diversity, protection of the ecosystem) in relation with its activities, products and services.

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5. Fairness of practices

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
The organisation has implemented a plan (charter, training, control, ..) to fight against corruption in its activities (purchases, sales,...) .

The organisation encourages the development of responsible public policies. It does the necessary to avoid conflicts of interest, abuse of authority, or of influence or manipulation.

The organisation has identified the risks and put in place programmes to prevent unfair competition practices.

The organisation promotes throughout its chain of values, the principles and practices of social responsibility.

The organisation has put in place procedures to guarantee the respect of property rights (patents, intellectual property, copyrights, estate law, natural resources...).

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6. Consumer related questions

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
The commercial practices of the organisation are fair; contracts and information supplied to clients or users are clear.

The products or services conceived and offered, respect the health and safety of the consumers or users.

The organisation promotes the principles of sustainable consumption to its clients or users (means of consumption, recycling...).

The organisation has put in place procedures to treat all clients', consumers' or users' requests (complaints, failures, compensation...)

The organisation preserves its customers' or users' private lives.

If the organisation supplies essential services (water, cleaning, energy, transport, communications...) it ensures the right to accede to all these.

The organisation makes its clients or consumers aware of the stakes of sustainable development in relation to its activities, services or products.

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Last page of your diagnosis.

Do not forget to validate in order to discover the profile of your organization!

7. Community and local development

Pas du tout d'accord Plutôt pas d'accord Plutôt d'accord Tout à fait d'accord non concerné justifications, commentaires
The organisation takes into account specific local contexts. It participates in the local life in the areas where it is implanted, and in the communities (physical or virtual) in which it operates.

The organisation participates in the education of the habitants of the area, the members of the community. It respects the cultures and interests and helps to maintain them.

The organisation is involved in the creation of jobs and the development of competences in the area in which it is implanted.

The organisation uses its material and immaterial resources to contribute to developing the knowledge, the know-how and the technologies of the region (transfer and diffusion of technologies and competences).

The organisation contributes to economic development of the territory (share of wealth, level of salaries and pensions, local investments taxes, infrastructure and services...)

The entity takes all necessary measures to eliminate negative impacts of its activities on the habitants health. It acts in favour of preserving it.

The organisation contributes through its actions and investments to the development of the society (local purchases, educational programme, partnerships...).