ISO26000 questionnaire
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Répondez le plus spontanément possible.
Dès la réponse à la dernière question vous découvrirez le profil RSE de votre organisation
sur les 7 questions centrales de la norme ISO26000.
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This first chapter is about governance, just give your opinion on the different statements.
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Human Rights concern all organizations.
However, you may have to choose "not applicable" for certain questions.
2. Human rights
Pas du tout d'accord
Plutôt pas d'accord
Plutôt d'accord
Tout à fait d'accord
non concerné
The organisation has identified the risks of non-respect of human rights, in is value chain (suppliers, clients colleagues, etc.) and the territories where it intervenes.
The organisation has prepared itself to prevent and manage risky situations it could encounter regarding human rights.
The organisation identifies different types of complicity (active and passive) concerning the stake holders. It is organised to prevent them.
In the case of a human rights violation, the organisation engages in dialogue with the stakeholders to remedy the situation.
The organisation prevents discrimination, especially with regard to vulnerable groups, in its relations with its collaborators and all its partners (users, clients, suppliers, etc.).
The organisation respects civil rights and political rights (private life, property rights, justice, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
The organisation respects economical rights, social and cultural (education, work, freedom of association, religion, level of life, social protection...).
The organisation respects fundamental rights at work (right to negotiate collective, elimination of child labour, forced or obligator work...)
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Last page of your diagnosis.
Do not forget to validate in order to discover the profile of your organization!